Amazing Corporate Parties by the King’s Castle in Kolding

About Corporate Parties at Comwell Kolding
Kolding, South Jutland
Max. Number of Guests
800 and 180 rooms
Price per person from DKK 1295 for full package incl. welcome and free bar
Bonus Info
400 parking spaces. Common room with darts, pool, and table football in the basement
Kolding, South Jutland
Max. Number of Guests
800 and 180 rooms
Price per person from DKK 1295 for full package incl. welcome and free bar
Bonus Info
400 parking spaces. Common room with darts, pool, and table football in the basement

Corporate Party, Anniversary Celebration, Kick Off, Team Building - Definitely a Wild Party!

Nature does its part. And the decor works wonders. With a steady hand and high quality, coordinated colours, and a wealth of beautiful designer furniture, the stage is set for a company party with WOW and KAPOW.

We offer several different party venues, including our large restaurant with a view of the fjord and forest. The party room is brand new and can be made larger or smaller as needed. And from the room, there is access to our large terrace right by the forest and green areas, where you can enjoy your coffee, for example.

Outside, we have furnished with cosy furniture and created a little intimate 'cave atmosphere', which when twilight falls is just further emphasized by fire pits, lanterns, and torches. And see if you can avoid getting a little carried away by the atmosphere!

A House With Everything

All party rooms at Comwell Kolding have a bright Scandinavian ambience and are tastefully and classically decorated. And one of the rooms has direct access to our 'rogue's den' in the basement with darts, pool, and table football.

Despite our large house, you will experience a very intimate atmosphere. It is simply cosy, well helped along by our employees, who are here because they like it. And the warmth of the house is everything.

But First, Party Planning

Once you found the date and the purpose of the company party, feel free to reach out and schedule a meeting with us. We strongly recommend that you stop by and let us walk you through the many possibilities and the full party potential. 

We also urge you to meet our restaurant manager in person, who'll present our menu suggestions for you to take home. Looking for something very specific when it comes to catering? We'll do our very best to match your wishes!

Decoration Means the World

Our party rooms are beautiful no doubt but the perfect decoration definitely makes them even more alluring. Let your ideas run wild!! Not feeling creative? Not a problem. With our many, many years of experience, we can honestly say we are masters of magic and transformation!

Just to give you an idea, we have hosted everything from street food themes with food stalls, and had a festival of 400 people partying around our house with different music themes in each room - the true festival vibe and the food to match of course! Yes, we have even cannonballed an executive director from the ceiling James Bond style, and had elephants and cars on stage. Think we're joking? Nope! And should you crave a smoke and confetti theme, we also have your back.

Firmafest i køkkenet

De gode fester ender altid i køkkenet. Men hos os begynder de her. Vores køkken er kendt for et højt, gastronomisk niveau og vores herlige kokke, anført af køkkenchef Torben og souschef Ninna, der med humor og hjertevarme styrer køkkenregionen og går ’til fadet’ med virkelyst, kreativitet og nysgerrighed. Og, ikke mindst, solid erfaring. Erfaringen er nemlig helt afgørende, når man, som vi, laver mad til mange. Det er noget helt andet end at lave mad til to. Vi ved, hvad der virker og garanterer, at alle får varm mad på samme tid.

Løftestangen i vores køkken er bæredygtighed. Vi får vores kød fra Troels på Grambogaard og alle øvrige råvarer er lokale eller i hvert fald ikke hentet længere væk end Danmark. For dét der med jordbær i januar, det dur bare ikke.

I kan få maden serveret præcis, som I vil have det. ’Traditionel’ tallerkenservering med 4-5 retter, den populære delemad på fade som giver en skøn, afslappet stemning ved bordene eller street food. Intet er umuligt.

Ud og hjem fra firmafest

Comwell Kolding ligger centralt placeret i byen (og landet) og er nemt at komme til og fra, både med offentlig transport fra Kolding station og bil.

Og hold så en firmafest, hvor I på mandag kan mødes og sige: Hold nu fest, en fest!

Event Packages

Mulighederne er mange - men det er rart at starte et sted. Så tag et kig på vores mange selskabspakker og lad jer inspirere, så vi kan tale videre om, hvordan vi gør jeres næste firmafest til en kongefest!

Se selskabspakker