‘The only limit is your imagination’

International experience and a strong service philosophy

Kathrine Brinkløv is Venue Chef at Comwell Centralværkstedet, where the high ceilings, train tracks in the floor and rustic charm have already made the venue a favourite for conferences, meetings and events. Kathrine brings with her an international career and a high level of ambition - both for the venue, guests and future events.

During her business school years, Kathrine's high ambitions were already evident when she gathered people around her. And she did that often. Even her friends' birthdays were celebrated at Kathrine's place, where everything was planned down to the last detail.

‘A menu was made several days in advance, I shopped for very specific drinks, and sometimes there was even a programme,’ says Kathrine about those days.

One evening, a friend put into words something Kathrine already knew: that events and service was her true passion. And since then, there was only one way to go, and that was full speed ahead.

International experience and a strong service philosophy

The first step in her career was the Service Management programme, followed by an internship at the Hilton in Sheffield, England. Kathrine quickly became desirable, and the five-star Hotel Rosewood in London became her home ground. Here she was promoted several times and ended up as event manager, where she learnt that attention to detail is paramount when organising large events.

‘I'm a big perfectionist, but it's not a need for control. It's to know what's going to happen so that guests don't have to worry about anything. They can just lean back and enjoy the fact that someone else is taking care of everything.’

In the UK, she also learnt that service is about going ‘the extra mile’, as they say. Wishes should not only be fulfilled, they also need to be anticipated - and she has brought that mentality back to Denmark. First to Tivoli Hotel & Congress Center in Copenhagen and now to Comwell Centralværkstedet in the heart of Aarhus, where she is Venue Manager.

Most things are possible at Comwell Centralværkstedet

For Kathrine, Comwell and Centralværkstedet is the right place because there is room for the flexibility and creativity that has become part of her DNA.

‘If someone comes up with a wild suggestion, there's no such thing as no. It's: That's new! I need to think about it!’, she says.

The philosophy is that there is always a solution. She adds that everything from lighting, meeting set-up, service and details must work together to create something unique. And with Comwell Centralværkstedet's flexible spaces and the creative approach of the staff, it's possible to transform any conference into an inspiring event that is an experience in itself.

‘It's about making the conference experience more than just a series of presentations in a standard meeting room,’ Kathrine explains. ‘We want to create something that is inspiring and engaging, so that participants feel motivated from the moment they enter the room.’

She also emphasises that good service is not the same for everyone, and both she and her staff need to read the guest and meet them on their terms. Some guests want a personalised conversation on the day, others need efficiency and calm. It's about understanding these differences - and creating customised experiences,’ she says.

With Comwell Centralværkstedet's unique combination of historical surroundings, flexible facilities and a kitchen that delivers taste experiences beyond the ordinary, the venue has already established itself as one of Aarhus' most popular and unique venues for both professional and private events. And with Kathrine as Venue Manager, the level of ambition has not been lowered.

A quarter of a century in Comwell

21 February 2025 marks a very special milestone for Frederik Jelstrup, Hotel Manager at Comwell Bygholm Park and F&B Director at Comwell Hotels. He has been part of the Danish-owned hotel chain for a quarter of a century, and his journey in the group has been characterised by a desire to create change and a steadfast belief that when the hotel, employees and guests smile, everything comes together.
Christoffer Bredvig

In the kitchen at Comwell Copenhagen Portside: "My leftovers are my colleagues gold - and vice versa"

Creative thinking and a shared understanding that everyone must work towards the same goal are some of the key ingredients in Comwell's ongoing efforts to reduce food waste in the kitchens of Comwell hotels and venues around the country. And this is no exception at the chain's popular city hotel Comwell Copenhagen Portside. Here, the right workflows and strong teamwork skills play a crucial role in the fight against food waste - even when challenges arise in relation to specific workflows, guest needs and legislation.

Strategy Director in Comwell, Henrik Hjorth, turns 60

Den 10. april fylder Comwells strategidirektør, Henrik Hjorth, 60 år og mere end halvdelen af sit liv har han brugt hos Comwell. Det giver os anledning til en tur down momory lane. I Henriks optik skyldes de mange år i samme virksomhed de gode udviklingsmuligheder, der altid har været i Comwell.