
The best version of ourselves

In a world that is constantly changing and demanding more and more sustainability, we have an obligation not only to keep up, but also to help set the direction. Especially as one of the leading players in the Danish hotel industry.

It's a never-ending journey, partly because external demands and standards are constantly sharpened and increased, and partly because we ourselves are getting more skillful at doing things better, smarter and more efficiently.

Comwell Copenhagen Portside mad restaurant

Carbon neutral in the entire value chain

In 2023, we committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) as an important part of our plan to reduce our total climate footprint and achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations by 2030 and in the entire value chain by 2040. It's ambitious, we know. But we believe that an ambitious plan is a breeding ground for creative ideas and innovative solutions that turn into concrete and useful actions.

Comwell Hotels is also a workplace with a focus on diversity, all working together to ensure a sustainable future. We make room for everyone - and every day we develop and educate our employees both professionally and personally, for instance through our Student Academy and Green Chef programme.

Discover more about how we continue our journey to become the best version of ourselves while setting the bar high for us and the rest of the industry.

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The road to carbon neutrality


Comwell Bygholm Park

Want to see our latest ESG report? The ESG report presents our objectives and work with the most important topics within the ESG framework for the period 1 January to 31 December 2023.

Read the report

Together we can do more

At Comwell, we are many employees - in many functions. And if we're to make a difference, we need everyone to be involved. Meet some of our colleagues and discover how we work.

Green Chef
New programme focuses on raw materials' carbon emissions, less food waste and more plant-rich dishes.
Comwell, Green Chef, bælg, grønt, råvarer, køkken, mad, grønsager, kokke,
Late Career Policy
Age is no obstacle for having career dreams late in life - or pursuing them.
The programme of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
As part of the Sunflower programme, we support guests and employees with invisible disabilities.
Trainee academy
Anna Kehlskov has been a trainee at Comwell and part of a Trainee academy where all employees work across disciplines.
The food waste award "Stræberen"
When it comes to reducing food waste at Comwell, everyone is involved. That is why Comwell receives this year's food waste award.
As our guest

When you stay with us, throw a party or have a meeting, you will notice a number of initiatives we have implemented to become a more sustainable hotel chain. We hope you will welcome them.

Comwell Aarhus
Electric charging stands
At all hotels you will find charging stands for your electric car. You bring your own cables and pay for the power via the Clever app.
Waste sorting
In common areas and corridors you will find waste stations for organic waste, paper and plastic.
Comwell Copenhagen Portside
Bottle-free concept
We offer taps with a variety of soft drinks throughout the hotels so you can easily quench your thirst - and save tons of aluminium and glass from cans and bottles.
More green flavours
2023 has been a year of legumes, and the new skills in the kitchen provide guests with exciting experiences of flavour that benefit both taste buds and climate.
The program of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower
We are part of the Sunflower programme and show great understanding for guests who wear the sunflower cord as a sign of an invisible disability.
Labels and certifications


The Science Based Targets initiative is a collaboration between CDP, United Nations Global Compact,
World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature.
SBTi aims to ensure that a company's climate targets are aligned with climate science and are realistic to achieve.

UN Global Compact

Comwell has committed itself to the UN Global Compact and the work to
demonstrate social responsibility. We do so by complying with the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact and contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Organic Food Label

All of Comwell's Danish hotels have the Organic Food Label in bronze, which means
that 30-60% of all food and beverages purchased are organic.

Green Key

All of Comwell's Danish hotels are certified according to the international Green Key ecolabelling scheme, which is the international ecolabel of the tourism industry. This means that Comwell fulfils a number of environmental requirements within environmental management, energy, waste, cleaning, food, indoor climate and CSR.


All of Comwell's hotels in Denmark are part of the REFOOD scheme, where organic waste and frying oil are collected and recycled, as well as working with efficient solutions for waste management.
The REFOOD label is a trust-based scheme for companies and organisations in the food and service sector that actively work to reduce food waste and increase recycling.


Comwell is the first in its industry to be audited and certified by the D-label. The D-label is proof that the company is actively working to strengthen its IT security and data protection.

Latest news

Comwell Kellers Park has its own wine park

The Danish-owned hotel chain Comwell's spa and conference hotel, Comwell Kellers Park, which is beautifully located near Vejle Fjord, has been enriched with its own wine park. The vines have been planted and are now allowed to grow and develop. The rootstock is an American Bionova with a grafting of Solaris, Regent, Souvignier Gris and Muscaris. The first harvest of grapes is expected next year.

In the kitchen at Comwell Copenhagen Portside: "My leftovers are my colleagues gold - and vice versa"

Creative thinking and a shared understanding that everyone must work towards the same goal are some of the key ingredients in Comwell's ongoing efforts to reduce food waste in the kitchens of Comwell hotels and venues around the country. And this is no exception at the chain's popular city hotel Comwell Copenhagen Portside. Here, the right workflows and strong teamwork skills play a crucial role in the fight against food waste - even when challenges arise in relation to specific workflows, guest needs and legislation.
Christoffer Bredvig

Annual result: Comwell Hotels set revenue record in 2023

Danish-owned hotel chain Comwell Hotels has today published its ESG reporting and annual results for 2023. With a revenue of DKK 1,290.6 million, the chain can write it into history as the highest ever. As part of the annual report, Comwell also reports on 2023's ESG goals and activities, reflecting a strong focus on the journey towards more sustainable hotel operations across all hotels.

Contact us

If you would like to know more about our work with sustainability, please contact us.

Head of PR & Communications
Signe Kamper Kankelborg
Director of HR & Sustainability
Mai-Britt Jensen