Offers & Experiences at Comwell Roskilde
Find the ultimate best package deals and promotions. Book your stay at Comwell Roskilde now.

Spring deals
Save 25% on accommodation with breakfast buffet
The stay is non-refundable. The offer includes a lovely overnight stay with a large breakfast buffet. Valid for stays from April 11 to April 21, 2025, and all weekends and holidays from April 25 to June 9, 2025.
Book no later than April 10, 2025.
Book no later than April 10, 2025.

Spring deals
Save 20% on stays with 2-course dinner
The offer includes accommodation, 2-course dinner and a large breakfast buffet with organic and local specialities. Valid for stays from April 11 to 21, 2025, and all weekends and holidays from April 25 to June 9, 2025.
Book no later than April 10, 2025.
Book no later than April 10, 2025.

Overnight stay
Overnight stay with breakfast buffet
Accommodation with large breakfast buffet with organic and local specialties

Blissful Break
Cosy afternoon coffee with cake - and later 3-course dinner
Overnight stay with seasonal dinner
Enjoy an overnight stay with a 2 course dinner at selected Comwell Hotels.

Mini-break with seasonal dinner
Enjoy a mini-break with 3 days and 2 nights, and enjoy a delicious 3-course dinner both evenings.

Concerts & eventsOnly for Comwell Club
Standing concert with Dodo & the Dodo's in Roskilde Kongrescenter
October 3, 2025 Join us for a wonderful concert stay with Dodo & the Dodo's at Comwell Roskilde. The stay includes coffee/tea, a delicious 3-course dinner and a concert ticket. There are also two drink vouchers for beer/water, which can be used during the show followed by an overnight stay and delicious breakfast at Comwell Roskilde. The stay is prepaid and cannot be cancelled or refunded.

Concerts & eventsOnly for Comwell Club
Standing concert with Queen Machine at Roskilde Kongrescenter
November 8, 2025. Join us for a concert stay with Queen Machine at Comwell Roskilde. The stay includes a cup of coffee/tea, a delicious 3-course dinner and a concert ticket. In addition, there are two drink vouchers for beer/water, which can be used during the show followed by an overnight stay and delicious breakfast at Comwell Roskilde. The stay is prepaid and cannot be cancelled or refunded.